Heinz Hajek-Halke- nude blurred

For the first time in Italy, an exhibit dedicated to German photographer Heinz Hajek-Halke, a strong personality that marked last century visual art panorama. Heinz artworks will be open to visitors until April 3rd at Galleria Carla Sozzani in Milan, with a large selection of photos taken by the photographer between the ‘30s and ‘70 in collaboration with l’Archiv der Akademie der Künste of Berlin and the Eric Franck Fine Art of London.

“Two difficult aspects that have always overshadowed my character: defiance and curiosity. To put it more elegantly: a thirst for knowledge. And so it came to pass that I became a photographer in spite of a background in academic painting; and remained a painter in spite of being a photographer.” With these words, Heinz Hajek-Halke described himself and his aesthetic reason.

Born in Berlin in 1898 and raised in Argentina, Heinz Hajek-Halke was part of the 20-century German vanguard in the field of photography

Fascinated by experimental photography, he started as a photo reporter for the Press-Photo Agency, where he tested different technique such as double exposition, collage, and photomontage.  After that Heinz dedicated his work to the scientific field of biology through photography,  exploring many techniques of chemical manipulation, distortion of light and magnification of microscopic elements.

He finally achieved a production of photo negatives without a camera, the so-called  “Lichtgrafik”. It was made using materials such as glass shards, glue, varnish, soot, wire, and fish bones. The resulting images of bizarre and delicate structures and shapes, some resembling macro- and microscopic photographs, considered among the artist most important work.

Heinz Hajek-Halke has been the father of research in alchemy photographic experimentation, a gray zone in between art and science.  The exhibit offers an ideal itinerary to discover the artist imaginary vision compendium

Heinz Hajek-Halke

Carla Sozzani Gallery

10, Corso Como – 20154 Milano

February 7th – April 3rd

Every day, 10.30 am  – 7:30 pm

Wednesday e Thursday, 10:30 am – 9:00 pm






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